
Some of the most meaningful interviews I have conducted throughout my career

On the sidelines of the session - CIFOR

Wild meat is an important food source for many communities, but it must be managed sustainably. At the European Conference on Tropical Ecology, organized at the University of Lisbon, researchers from around the world gathered in the session “Towards sustainable, equitable and safe use of wild meat in tropical and subtropical countries: opportunities, lessons learned, obstacles and risks” on February 14 to discuss wild meat practices and what they mean for health, the environment and communities.

Impact of the Angolan civil war on mammal fauna

Interview with CBS News about the impact of the Angolan civil war on mammal fauna. CBS is the most watched TV channel in the USA.

Impact of the Angolan civil war on mammal fauna - TPA

Interview for public TV in Angola about the impact of the Angolan civil war on mammal fauna. TPA is the main Angolan television broadcaster.

PhD defense

Presentation of my doctoral thesis defense.
February 27, 2022.


Impacts of oil companies on Amazon biodiversity.